Shaswat Satapathy

Undergraduate Researcher, IIIT Bhubaneswar

Hello! I’m Shaswat! I have a solid passion for future generation networks (including 5G), machine learning in wireless using artificial intelligence and wireless security. I want to work on a project in which I can advance the state-of-the-art in the field of wireless networks, including generating patents and publications in top journals and conferences.

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Latest Work:

I'll be working with Dr. Ajay Pratap and Daniel St. Clair Endowed Chair Professor Sajal K Das on a variety of problems related to resource allocation in vehicular 5G networks using reinforcement learning and D2D-enabled IoT devices using graphical approach.


  • 2016-2020

    Computer Engineering Department, International Institute of Information Technology - Bhubaneswar, India

    International Institute of Information Technology, Bhubaneswar is designed to be a premier institute of Information Technology and related areas. I am currently pursuing my 3rd year of B.Tech degree.

  • 2002-2016

    Intermediate, Delhi Public School - Bhilai, India

    Spent 14 years of my childhood studing here! This is Chhattisgarh's best school. Received several awards as the best school. Students here excel in every field. Infrastructure, teachers and management are best of any school could have.

Research Interests.

5G wireless Communication Research

5G stands for the fifth generation of the next wireless mobile standard. According to the Next Generation Mobile Network's 5G white paper, 5G connections must be based on 'user experience, system performance, enhanced services, business models and management & operations'.

As a subscriber becomes more aware of the mobile phone technology, he/she will seek for an appropriate package all together, including all the advanced features of a cellular phone can have. Hence, the search for new technology is always the main intention of the prime cell phone giants to out innovate their competitors. In addition, the main purpose of the fifth generation wireless networks (5G Wireless networks) is planned to design the best wireless world that is free from limitations and hindrance of the previous generations. At the moment, it’s not yet clear which technologies will do the most for 5G in the long run, but a few early favorites have emerged. The front-runners include millimeter waves, small cells, massive MIMO, full duplex, and beamforming. To understand how 5G will differ from today’s 4G networks, it’s helpful to walk through these five technologies and consider what each will mean for wireless users.

Stable Matching Based Resource Allocation to Maximize Throughput and Minimize Interference in 5G Networks

Artificial Intelligence for Wireless Networking

AI is incredibly disruptive and often times scary, thanks to Hollywood, but its potential to upend everything we know about wireless networks should be greatly welcomed, hence its better if we begin studying it now for the control of wireless networks of tomorrow.

Recent breakthroughs in Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML), including deep neural networks and probability models, and the availability of powerful computing platforms are providing us with technologies to perform tasks that once seemed impossible. The areas of interest include, but are not limited to, the following: AI-enabled Mobile Networks Design, Deep Learning/Machine Learning in Wireless Communications and Networking and Cognitive Radio, AI-based Network Intelligence for IoT, AI-enabled Ultra-Reliable and Low-Latency Communications AI-enabled Network Softwarization and Virtualization, the Design of AI-enabled Hardware for Communications System.

Multi-arm Multi-player bandits in wireless Ad-Hoc Networks Machine Learning in Wireless Networks with Artificial Intelligence: A Tutorial on Neural Networks

Cyber-Physical IoT

Cyber-physical systems (CPS) are physical and engineered systems whose operations are monitored, coordinated, controlled and integrated by a computing and communication core. Cyber-physical systems is said transform how we interact with the physical world around us.

CPS include traditional embedded and control systems, and these will be transformed by new approaches from IoT. However, the challenge for IoT and CPS remains security and risk management. As less rigorously controlled systems are linked then risk becomes distributed and the provenance of software components becomes difficult to trace. This gives rise to questions around risk management and liability for breaches or damages. As demonstrated in the 2014 Target hack, via their heating, ventilation and air conditioning provider's system, third party systems are now attack vectors. Further, regulators have not yet addressed this issue of distributed or daisy-chained risk arising from connected systems. Attacks on connected systems from nation-state actors and non-state actors are also an increasing threat: "According to Crowdstrike researchers, targeted intrusions will continue to proliferate and nation-states will use espionage to collect information from any organization with valuable data that will serve the country's national interests.The big challenges that are raised by IoT and CPS center on risk, security, geopolitics, trust, and privacy.

Wireless Sensor Network Security

As wireless sensor networks continue to grow, so does the need for effective security mechanisms. Because sensor networks may interact with sensitive data and/or operate in hostile unattended environments, it is imperative that these security concerns should be addressed.

Wireless sensor networks are a new type of networked systems, characterized by severely constrained computational and energy resources, and an ad hoc operational environment. When wireless sensor networks are deployed in a hostile terrain, security becomes extremely important, as they are prone to different types of malicious attacks. Due to the inherent resource limitations of sensor nodes, existing network security methods, including those developed for Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks, are not well suitable for wireless sensor networks. As a crucial issue security in wireless sensor networks has attracted a lot of attention in the recent year. Researchers are working on a thorough analysis of the major security issue and presented the ongoing aspect of further development to designers in their struggle to implement the most cost effective and appropriate method of securing their network.

I am really interested in advanced research such as Human computer Interaction (HCI) and Brain Machine Interface (BMI).

V-2-X Communications

V2X, which stands for 'vehicle to everything', is the umbrella term for the car's communication system, where information from sensors and other sources travels via high-bandwidth, low-latency, high-reliability links, paving the way to fully autonomous driving.

Nothing's here yet!

Work Experience.

  • Summers '19


    Student Research Exchange

    I'll be working with Dr. Ajay Pratap and Daniel St. Clair Endowed Chair Professor Sajal K Das on a variety of problems related to resource allocation in vehicular 5G networks using reinforcement learning and D2D-enabled IoT devices using graphical approach.

  • winters '18


    Winter research intern

    Under the supervision of Dr. Antony Franklin and Shashwat Kumar(PhD) we tried to develop a caching policy for tile-based adaptive 360 video streaming by identifying common-FoV and simulate in the 5G test bed.

  • summers '18


    Summer research intern

    Worked with Prof Sumit J Darak and Shivani Singh where we revised some existing multi-player bandit models, motivated by applications to Cognitive Radio systems. We also presented some simulation results to numerically evaluate the performance of our algorithm.

  • winters '17


    Visiting research scholar

    Worked with Prof Rajiv Misra, Ajay Pratap (Senior PHD) and Shivani Singh to study the stable matching problem in graph theory with respect to a practical radio resource allocation problem. We suggested a novel modelling that focuses on optimisation of connections in Heterogeneous 5G networks.

  • summers '17


    Network trainee

    Understanding, configuring and troubleshooting basic networking hardware( i.e, Routers and switches), Cisco routing protocols, layer 2 switching,WAN protocols and basic operation of protocols in OSI and TCP/IP models), implement security on Cisco routers, implement secure network management, understanding Cisco firewall technologies, understand and implement IPS, IPSec VPN, etc.


Coming Soon....!


Contact. skype: +918839718453 +91 8839718453
  • Shaswat Satapathy
  • B.Tech (3rd Year)
  • Computer Engineering Department,
  • International Institute of Information Technology, Bhubaneswar